Mira Gordin CV
Mira Gordin
I am a PhD candidate in the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Princeton University, where my PhD advisor is Ramon van Handel.

My research is in probability theory and I enjoy working at the intersection of probability, geometry, and analysis.

Some topics I'm interested in are high-dimensional probability, concentration of measure, random walks on graphs and groups, notions of discrete curvature, and metric embeddings.

Before Princeton, I was an undergraduate student at Brown University and worked with Kavita Ramanan on interacting particle systems and random walks on graphs.

Email: magordin [at] princeton [dot] edu
Recent & Upcoming Talks
I participated in a fall school on Heat Flow, two-point inequalities, and beyond where I gave two expository talks about the paper "Bourgain's slicing problem and KLS isoperimetry up to polylog" (B. Klartag, J. Lehec). You can find my slides for these talks here (background and main results) and here (some overview of the proofs).